Rely on the skills of an experienced proofreader and copyeditor to ensure your written word is correct every time for your readers. A copy writing service is also available.
A proofreader will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, typos and spacing etc. Whilst a copyeditor will provide a fresh and professional look at the manuscript, and as well as proofreading, will also comment on general text issues such as continuity errors, factual inaccuracies, unnecessary repetition, or just style, tone and readability.
My professional fees are:
£35 per hour for proofreading and copyediting.
£40 per hour for copy writing.
However this is dependent upon length and complexity of a document.

“I have been extremely impressed by the service Karen of 'The Perfect Copy' has provided. Karen has a clear aptitude for accuracy and correctness, enabling her to identify and highlight amendments and improvements to each word and paragraph. I would highly recommend Karen to anybody wishing for an in-depth and high quality service. Thank you!"
Sarah Taylor – Author, Unbrand My Child